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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Barack Obama - This is for you Hektor

I was going to let it go, the comment that I recieved to my post to raise money to help Obama.

But then putting an end to ignorance won me over. So as you see in the title, this is directed at the post author "hektor" who would rather call names, pass judgment and act radically instead of making informed comments.

Here is what Barack Obama says he will do about the ten most important issues that America is facing right now. I would like to point out that his plans are PROACTIVE. His plan is make it so America is able to get on its feet and take care of the American citizens without penalizing them and restricting thier freedoms and rights. I urge you to take a look at the mandates and restrictions that other candidates are saying they will make BEFORE you make statements.

Energy/Global Warming

Obama is calling for a cap and trade systen to cut carbon emissions by 80% by 2050. He also plans to invest $150 billion over the next 10 years to advance clean energy technologies. He plans to double the fuel ecoomy standards for vehicles within 18 years.


Amend the North American Free Trade Agreement to better benefit US workers (gosh that is a novel idea... taking care of our own people). He plans to pressure the World Trade Organization to enforce trade agreements (gosh make people honor what they agreed to!) Update Trade Adjustment Assistance by extending it to indsutries and create flexible education accounts to help retrain workers.


He was never for the war to begin with. He will bring out troops home, one to two brigades a month and his plan is to have them all home by 2009.


Penalize predatory lenders and then use those penalities to help the victims of the predatory loans. He will also give a tax credit to struggling homeoners that would cover 10% of the interest on thier mortgages every year.

Abortion/Stem Cell

He not only supports Roe vs. Wade. He would like to see access to contraceptives expanded so that preventing unintended pregnancies. Obama also supports stem cell research.


He plans to provide money to the states for early childhood development programs. He would like to have a new accountability system that is not so focused on standardized testing and extra pay for teachers who serve as mentors to colleagues. He also proposes a college education tax credit adn he would pay for many of his educational proposals by reducing funding for NASA.


Obama supports a broad immigration reform that would help illegal immigrants become citizens as long as they met certain criteria. This criteria includes learning English, passing a criminal background check and paying any fines that they have. He is also in favor of giving illegal immigrants driver's license.

Social Security

Obama would increase the maximum amount of earnings which is currently $97500 to which the Social Security payroll tax applies. Obama will also work with Congress as well as the people of America to come up with a plan that would keep Social Security around for at least another 50 years.

Health Care

Barack supports a universal portable heatlh care plan. His plan would allow people to buy coverage similiar to what federal employees have. He would make the coverage mandatory for all children and optional for adults. Barack supports income related subsidies that would help with the cost of health insurance premiums. Costs would be contained by modernizing the health care system and focusing on PREVENTION.

As a former nurse I think this is outstanding! I can't tell you how many time I was on the phone arguing with insurance companies for my cardiac patients to have testing done that would save thier lives but were being denied by the insurance companies. Once the patient had the heart attack, or open heart then they would cover testing!


Barack would reverese the tax cuts for the wealthiest taxpayers, end offshore tax havens and eliminate special interest loopholes and deductions. He would also implement a tax credit of up to $500 per person and $1000 per working family.

So, this is by no means everything that Barack Obama plans to do. This is just a highlighted list, and effort to educate the ignorant so that before they want to call names they atleast know what they are talking about.

1 comment:

hektor said...

thanks for having th pleasure of debating me on this first obama is very week on strategy Im going to pull troops out even though the job we started is not finished even though so many people are against the war (as he supposedly is but it is his homeland so go figure) we destroyed it we should stay until the government their is stable enough to handle Iran Energy which is a funny thing everyone is mad that under the current admin. gas prices are going up well buy an electric car then buy solar panels we are just now catching up with the rest of the world when it comes to this and if china will not sign the global kyoto mandates why should we dont get me wrog I wish the world was a perfect place but the kyoto agreement would cost us billions while another evil country like china would benifit from us doing so Now the real tricky one bet you have Japanese cars well you are americas biggest problem americans are the worlds dumbest consumers instead of buying american products we will go out of our way to buy something made in another land look at walmart anything you buy at wal mart is in the trach in a month tops but they are the biggest store in this country go figure socialism at its finest foreclosures lol 10 percent so if I pay 10 thousand dollars a year in taxes I get 10 percent back wow Ive got enough for McDonalds and half tank of gas Oh yeah lets cut NASA funding another thiong that made our country great is that we went to the moon that we can explore places not on this earth guess instead of actually doing it you would rather just pretend and watch star trek lets see giving illegal immigrants driver liscense are you kidding me why would you want to even let people into your back yard that dont belong here and let one of them hurt you family they have no insurance and lets face it they dont want to have this country prosper they send all their money back (american dollars) to their country where 1 USD is equal to 30 of there currency Social Security quit borrowing from it untill Bush Jr became president every president since 1968 has borrowed from it to balance the budget demo and repub alike have ruined this Health care is a tough issue no easy answer their it is sad that you can go to canada or mexico and buy what ever you need for what ails you our health care system only takes care of the pain or sickness by not curing it just make you feel better and take this pill for the rest of your life we need a system that want to find cures Taxes well that is easy read my lips flat tax everyone pays Obama doesnt have the courage to say the things that need to be said and sadly neither does any one else but for me Im going with the lesser of the evils and go repub again because the only thing that keeps us strong is our faith in God and country and Barack Hussein Obama has none of these traits

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