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Monday, December 17, 2007

Time to Organize and Promote!

I am starting a new set of blogs. Each blog will have a purpose, and the first one that I am building is all about Relationships.

Each post will have to do with the good, the bad and the ugly of what no one ever tells you about relationships but we all experience.

My adivse is based on my life, what I gone through, lived through and am here to talk about. It is also about the things I have seen in other people's relationships.

I am here to tell you that Dr. Phil has nothing on me.

Here is the link:

Saturday, December 15, 2007

A Really Good Song


I can feel it coming in the air tonight, Oh Lord

I've been waiting for this moment, all my life, Oh Lord
Can you feel it coming in the air tonight, Oh Lord, Oh Lord
Well, if you told me you were drowning I would not lend a hand

I've seen your face before my friend
But I don't know if you know who I am
Well, I was there and I saw what you did I saw it with my own two eyes
So you can wipe off the grin, I know where you've been It's all been a pack of lies
And I can feel it corning in the air tonight, Oh Lord

I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, Oh Lord
I can feel it in the air tonight, Oh Lord, Oh Lord
And I've been waiting for this moment all my life, Oh Lord, Oh Lord
Well I remember, I remember don't worry

How could I ever forget, its the first time the last time we ever met
But I know the reason why you keep your silence up, no you don't fool me
The hurt doesn't show but the pain still grows
It's no stranger to you or me

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Just What I Needed Today... Thought I Should Share This

When I woke up this morning it occurred to me that the most important thing I could do today is remind you that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Because if you are like most women, you dont hear it enough!

I want you to take a breath here and really drink this in:
You are a beautiful woman!

Why would a total stranger take a moment to tell you that? Because like you, I am a woman who yearns to hear those words more often.

I know how it is. You go about your day, crossing things off your list, YEARNING for the beauty in your heart to be seen and appreciated by someone. And its often so rare, that as women, we consider ourselves lucky if we experience it even once a year. Its so sad.

Whats more, the media is always telling us we arent pretty enough, young enough, skinny enough. Well enough is ENOUGH.

To be totally honest with you, woman to woman, Im really troubled by it. Every commercial billboard and print ad is trying to get us to buy some wrinkle reducing, shiny hair gel or cream. Like were not complete without it, or beautiful just as we ARE. They always want to sell us more!

Twenty years ago you had to be a size six. Now you have to be a size two to be considered beautiful and attractive. God forbid you have hips or grey hair or even one little wrinkle. Weve gotten so self-critical!

Let me ask you, how did you feel the last time you looked in a full-length mirror? Be honest with me now.

I know the feeling. Ive been there too. Wishing certain body parts were different. Secretly considering what to do to change them. A private war on your hips or your belly. For me it was my thighs.

But I want you to know thats the MEDIA speaking. Its not who you really are at all. It doesnt matter how old you are, or how much you weigh, either. Your heart is the beauty that shines through.

Im going to prove it to you, just in case you have doubts.

Im going to tell you a story right now that could change your life FOREVER. Keep reading.

I was at a sidewalk cafi yesterday with one of my closest girlfriends where I live in Los Angeles, and we were people watching. After about ten or so women walked by, we each observed how not one of these women were particularly attractive. They seemed dull and tense and unkempt. None stood out. None were memorable.

Until another woman walked by who was TOTALLY DIFFERENT from the rest.
She flowed like water when she moved, and her smile lit up the sidewalk. She just had a glow about her. The men outside the cafi all turned their heads.

What did she have?

First let me tell you what she DIDNT have.

She didnt have a perfect body. She was at least, and Im not kidding you, twenty pounds overweight.

She WASNT young either. She was probably about fifty, with long silver hair that swept past her shoulders. Whats more, she wasnt even wearing make-up!

And not only was she NOT dressed in designer clothing, she was actually wearing a T-shirt and sweatpants with flip-flops!

How could this be?

Listen closely here, because what Im about to share is perhaps the BIGGEST BEAUTY SECRET EVER KEPT, and I want to let you in on it. Its what the media doesnt want us to know. Its the TRUTH.

At home, when we look in the mirror, we tend to see everything wrong with our bodies and wish those body parts were different. And yet, when we go out in public, what other people see is our posture and our energy. No one is looking at the size of your thighs or your belly. No one.
What? !!

Its true. If you dont believe me, do the cafi people watching experiment yourself and you will see exactly what I mean.

You could be wearing sweatpants with no make-up on, and if you are conveying love and warmth to the world around you, you are instantly the most beautiful woman in the room.


Heres the key: Because you are GLOWING.

The truth is, that you are beautiful, right now, as you are. You have an innate glow as a woman that makes you unique and special. You are a light the world was meant to see.

I know. Maybe you arent feeling the glow today. Sometimes our lives are really hard, and it can be really challenging on those days to find all that warmth inside.

But the good news is, you can cultivate it. You can literally cultivate your beauty like you would build a fire in the fireplace, starting with the small flame until it becomes warm enough to heat the whole room!

But HOW?

To inspire women everywhere, women like you, I decided to start a revolution. I call it the You Are A Beautiful Woman Campaign.

Girlfriend to girlfriend, I want you to be a part of it. Because we need a new answer to what the media is selling us. We need a way to feel beautiful that is natural and not just cheap, but FREE!
Its time to stop waiting. You deserve to feel seen, celebrated, and loved for your true beauty right now!

And the best news is that as part of the You Are A Beautiful Woman campaign I am giving away oodles of totally FREE beauty tips on how to cultivate your glow and your beauty in my online newsletter. Theres no obligation to buy anything.

Just go

Theres no catch. Im a woman just like you who wants to see our world become more beautiful, one woman at a time.

And before I go, please forward this email to three of your best friends who will be so happy to see the words You Are a Beautiful Woman in their inbox. We all need to be reminded of our beauty. It feels so GOOD to remember.

I genuinely look forward to meeting you, and celebrating your beauty.

I leave you with my favorite quote from Grace Kelly:
You dont love a woman because she is beautiful. She is beautiful because you love her.

Your friend,

Saturday, December 1, 2007

A Chain Letter To Share

Ok, here is my point about chain letters. This is the one I just received. How can you not cry and then want to share it.

One day a teacher asked her students to list the names of the other students in the room on two sheets of paper, leaving a space between each name.

Then she told them to think of the nicest thing they could say about each of their classmates and write it down.

It took the remainder of the class period to finish their assignment, and as the students left the room, each one handed in the papers.

That Saturday, the teacher wrote down the name of each student on a separate sheet of paper, and listed what everyone else had said about that individual.

On Monday she gave each student his or her list. Before long, the entire class was smiling. "Really?" she heard whispered. "I never knew that I meant anything to anyone!" and, "I didn't know others liked me so much," were most of the comments.

No one ever mentioned those papers in class again. She never knew if they discussed them after class or with their parents, but it didn't matter. The exercise had accomplished its purpose. The students were happy with themselves and one another. That group of students moved on.

Several years later, one of the students was killed in VietNam and his teacher attended the funeral of that special student. She had never seen a serviceman in a military coffin before. He looked so handsome, so mature.

The church was packed with his friends. One by one those who loved him took a last walk by the coffin. The teacher was the last one to bless the coffin. As she stood there, one of the soldiers who acted as pallbearer came up to her. "Were you Mark's math teacher?" he asked. She nodded: "yes." Then he said: "Mark talked about you a lot."

After the funeral, most of Mark's former classmates went together to a luncheon. Mark's mother and father were there, obviously waiting to speak with his teacher.
"We want to show you something," his father said, taking a wallet out of his pocket "They found this on Mark when he was killed. We thought you might recognize it."

Opening the billfold, he carefully removed two worn pieces of notebook paper that had obviously been taped, folded and refolded many times. The teacher knew without looking that the papers were the ones on which she had listed all the good things each of Mark's classmates had said about him.

"Thank you so much for doing that," Mark's mother said.! "As you can see, Mark treasured it."
All of Mark's former classmates started to gather around. Charlie smiled rather sheepishly and said, "I still have my list. It's in the top drawer of my desk at home."

Chuck's wife said, "Chuck asked me to put his in our wedding album."

"I have mine too," Marilyn said. "It's in my diary"

Then Vicki, another classmate, reached into her pocketbook, took out her wallet and showed her worn and frazzled list to the ! group. " I carry this with me at all times," Vicki said and without batting an eyelash, she continued: "I think we all saved our lists"

That's when the teacher finally sat down and cried. She cried for Mark and for all his friends who would never see him again.

The density of people in society is so thick that we forget that life will end one day. And we don't know when that one day will be.

So please, tell the people you love and care for, that they are special and important. Tell them, before it is too late.

And One Way To Accomplish This Is: Forward this message on. If you do not send it, you will have, once again passed up the wonderful opportunity to do something nice and beautiful.
If you've received this, it is because someone cares for you and it means there is probably at least someone for whom you care.

If you're "too busy" to take those few minutes right now to forward this message on, would this be the VERY first time you didn't do that little thing that would make a difference in your relationships?

The more people that you send this to, the better you'll be at reaching out to those you care about.

Remember, you reap what you sow. What you put into the lives of others comes back into your own.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Chains of Hope

When is it enough? You know what I mean. You get the nice little chain email that talks about being a true friend or how much you mean to someone and you are suppose to send it back and to all your other friend. So you send it out… then you get it back… do you have to send it back to those people that sent it back to you or are you good and the message received that you are both great people?

Really do you run the risk of not sending it back to the people you sent it to and hurt their feelings, or do you resend it to them to confirm and then they have to send it back, so it becomes a never-ending barrage of chain emails.

Then I have to ask, myself and those that send me the emails… if you really cared about someone that much… do you really need to send them those cute little chain letters. I mean shouldn’t you let them know everyday that you value them as people? Plus, should you really be sending those chain letters and cramming peoples’ email boxes with them. Is that really anyway to show you care?

Now, it isn’t that I mind getting them. Some are really nice, and I am not perfect and I know that there are people in my life that I forget to let know that they matter to me. Some of the chain letters are important as that they spread a message of hope for a good cause, many are reminders that we are not alone in life and that we are all humans and need to care for one another. Some are funny and provide the pick me up you just might need on one of those days…

I guess what I am saying is, if you get them send them, if you don’t get it back don’t take it personal… just know that you made someone’s day.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Words of the Wise

If you sell things on eBay or Craigslists or other places like that I highly advise that you only accept credit cards or paypal for payment. Why you ask, oh well let me tell you.

There are slimy people out there that are giving fraudulent cashier checks and money orders. Do not think for one minute that just because you ask the bank teller if they are legitimate and they think they are and you make the deposit all will be hunky-dory.

Obviously you can tell that I am a writer… well, maybe you can’t. That is besides the point. I accept payment from clients through my paypal account, I do this for protection really. I have been ripped off by enough people that owe me money and have not wanted to pay, have paid with a bad check or a money order that I am as cautious as I can be and still make a living being self employed.

Though paypal and I have had our differences they do what they can to help make sure that fraud is not being committed with their service. My bank advised me that if you do anything on line, with eBay or paypal they recommend setting up a second and separate checking account because of all the crap they have seen. So we did just that.

My husband received two checks. We thought that they were cashier checks, the bank said they were international money orders. Anyway, to be safe, we deposited them and had a hold put on them to make sure that they cleared and all was peachy keen.

Last night I log into our account to see where we are at and if those items had infact cleared… well they didn’t. Turns out that they were fraudulent. As that I trust few people I wasn’t surprised really, that is the point of that separate account. What I was surprised about was that the bank not only took the credit that they had given for the deposit, which was held for 7 days to make sure it cleared, they then charged us the amount of those two checks in the new account as well as froze our personal account and charged us that amount on that account as well. In the end what the Loss Prevention Department at our bank was trying to tell me that we owed them almost $4000 because the deposit we had made was returned.

No matter how many times I went over it with this woman she kept telling me we owed that money because we got a credit for it. When the deposit came back they had to take that away. Ok… I got that, I was good with that. But to be triple charged for something that I never had access to, never spent, never took, never touched NO I was not good with that!

She decided to transfer me to a “manager”. What she did was send me to another department to this poor man that tried to help me, but is wasn’t his department. In the end I think he was as upset as I was and he said, “You have to call Loss Prevention back.” While the phone rang and I prayed to not get the same woman as I held back the tears and tried to not drop the phone because I was shaking so bad this wonderful woman named DeeDe answered that phone… and she helped me… she understood what I was saying, and she fixed the problem. What had been done never should’ve been done and all will be okay. We are of course out $70 for overdraft fees that we shouldn’t have but because of what they did we ended up with them, but she couldn’t return them, I have to go to the branch where the account was opened and talk to the manager and explain what happened and ask for the fees back.

I think I will let my husband take care of that. I am done dealing with the bank for now.

BUT.. the purpose here is that I want to educate you on your banking and what is allowed and what isn’t.

First, when you make a deposit at your bank, you become financially responsible for that deposit. So if you are in doubt over ANY deposit that you EVER make ask them to place a hold on that deposit to make sure that it clears. The hold is usually five or seven days. It may seem like a lot, but it will save you a lot of money.

If you don’t place the hold and you spend that money and it comes back, you have to make up that money and all fees that are associated with that money. But only for the amount of the deposit.

So in my case, I got the “credit” but we had the hold in it. So when it ended up coming back all the bank should’ve done was take away that credit. All the “money” was there so it should’ve put our account back to the balance that was there prior to that deposit.

What they tried to do was take the credit, which they should’ve and then charge me that amount as well. Which they SHOULD NOT have done. Then on top of that they looked at our personal account we had with them and then charged that account the amount as well. Which they SHOULD NOT HAVE done.

Now, had I not been on top of our finances and called the bank until I got someone to listen to me and go through it with me, we would’ve ended up owing the bank almost $4000 erroneously. And do you think that they would’ve called and said, “I am so sorry for our f**k up here is your 4 grand back.” Ummmm… no. I like our bank, I think they are great… let’s be realistic.

So my advice to you is this:

Have a separate account for anything that you do on the internet.

Have a hold placed on ANY deposit you are not sure of – I don’t care if it is check from your Uncle.

Stay on top of your finances. – That is what online banking is for!

Do not let up until you find someone that will listen to you!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thoughts of Gratitude

It is that time of year once again, when we all need to stop and take a moment to look at our life and be thankful for where we are, who we are and for those that have helped to put us here. While I truly believe that this is something we should every day, it seems that around the holidays the feelings are even greater… So here is my list of truly heartfelt gratitude to those that mean more to me then life, to those that have had an influence on my life, those that have helped me be the person I am right now, to those that have that are helping me get to where I want to be and to those that presented challenges that I have over come.

First I thank my husband for being the man that he is and choosing to be with me when he could be with anyone in the world. For giving me unconditional love and support faithfully and loyally.

To our children I thank you for being the individuals that you are, and the good people you are turning out to be. I may not say it enough but there is not a day that goes by that I am not proud of you and truly glad that they universe could’ve given you to anyone but gave you to me.

To my mom, thank you for giving me life, being an inspiration and loving me unconditionally. I know that you sometimes wonder if I am ok or if I miss you, I am and I do. You raised a strong woman and I thank you.

To my sister… it is you I miss the most.

To my brother in law and nephew, next to being having me for a sister you are the greatest things that have ever happened to her and I am so thankful that you are a part of our family. I wish that we got to see you more, but we are looking forward to Christmas.

My brother I love you and hope that you and your family are doing well. Hopefully we will see each other soon.

The Critters… especially Trish, I am so grateful that you are more then friends but you are family. It is hard to remember what life was like before we were friends and I know I can not see a day when we will not be a close and you will not mean as much.

To the Arendts for taking us in and treating us like family.

My heterosexual lifemate, we have traveled an interesting journey together, one that I know will never end. I am incredible grateful to the universe for blessing me with your friendship.

Antonio, I am grateful that you have seen my talents and believe in them and I foresee great things in our working relationship. Truly you are the LOA in action. Thank you!

The Flannerys, I can not even begin to put into words how grateful I am that I have been blessed with your friendship. Michelle if angels walked on Earth I would believe that you are one of them. Know that we all love and appreciate you and your entire family. We have built a lifelong friendship.
The Forrests, thank you for wanting to become friends and knocking on the door to introduce yourself. May distance not hinder the growth of our friendship.

Pam, thank you for giving me the compliment of being “force of nature,” and being the person that you are.

The Stupid Woman and her Inconsiderate Man I thank you for proving that it takes all kinds of people to make up the world, and it is possible live in a dark house with no windows and mirrors so that you can even fool yourself about the type of person you really are. I hope that one day the Inconsiderate man truly becomes a man for the sake of his children and becomes an honest person because his wife deserves better. May the stupid woman open her eyes and realize that she deserves better.

I am grateful to the universe for all that it has provided me and all that it continues to provide.

I know that I have not named every person I am grateful for, but know that there isn’t a person I have come into contact with that had not taught me something and for that I am grateful.

To the loved ones that I have lost, while you may be in the afterworld I am grateful for the memories of you I still hold.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

Monday, October 29, 2007

I am BACK!

For anyone that has been checking in trying to figure out what in the heck is going on, well... there apparently was a problem with the littel robots that scan the blogs at Blogger.

It has taken a couple of weeks to get this straightened out and that led to the birth of the Wisdom of Jen 2 page. While I will continue to run both I will try to keep the content as different as possible.

If you are looking for the Stupid Women! post it has been moved to

The post was modified slightly and as I stated before if you would like the link to where the Inconsiderate Man and his Stupid Woman wife found a new home send a post and I will give you the link.

Well I am glad to be back! Not that I ever really left, I just added a new page.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Thoughts Continued

You will notice that there have been a few changes to the webpage since your last visit. I have moved a few of the posts to another blog that I have as that I am tired of playing games with the inspiration for those four post. I have decided that no matter how many cosmic smacks upside the head some people get, instead of opening their eyes and acknowledging their own actions they instead continue to want to put the blame elsewhere. While there are two sides to every story… real people at least admit their part in that story.

That is fine. It is really not responsibility to help or fix those people. You can lead a horse to water but can’t make him drink even if you hold his head under the water. You can open all the curtains in a dark room, but if a person keeps their eyes shut it is still dark. While I like to remain optimistic and want the best for people, there are some that are just plain lost causes. As sad as that is, it is a fact I have come to learn and will deal with it on my own.

Karma, whether you believe in it or not, it is real and it will get you. Karma will give you a nice wake up call when you least expect it. At some point we all pay for what we have done, right or wrong. While you can pretend you are perfect the universe knows the truth. Karma…

I have to tell you that I again am surprised by people. Well maybe surprised is not the correct word as that really anymore nothing surprises me. I guess really it is disappointment. Part of that disappointment comes from expecting everyone in the world to do what I would do… knowing that isn’t realistic but still.

I do have some promising posts coming. For the first time in a long while there will be daily post here on the Wisdom of Jen. I think they will be interesting. The first one or two will be definitions. Yes, definitions… they are needed for the story that will follow. I am thinking that the story itself will probably take seven days. Should be fun, I am looking forward to posting it. So for those that check in regularly, you will not want to miss the next 14 days here at the Wisdom of Jen. For those that are new to the page, you are coming at just the right time.

If you would like to know where Stupid Women and the 3 Inconsiderate Man posts went leave a comment and I can give you the link. J

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Thought for the day

In the last few weeks I have been amazed by some of the people I know. Keep in mind that I don't mean that in positive way in all the time.

I am a true believer in the fact that if you give a person chance, they will surprise you. I have one person who agreed to do something that no one that knew him thought he would. I never doubted it. Of course there was an angle as to why he agreed to do it, which I expected but he agreed. I look at it as him finally doing something that isn't selfish and he is thinking about two other little people that he often forgets about anyway.

Then I have friends, that I thought would be friends of ours for a lifetime, and yet the last time we saw them... it was the strangest and most uncomfortable environment I have been in in many many years.

I understand people change. I know I have and maybe it is just that my expectations have changed, my husband and I and our children have gone through alot in the last year. We all have changed, for the better, we are all more greatful and successful in what we are doing.

Maybe that is what is causing the tension. You want your friends to be happy for you... but maybe when they are not happy it is hard to be happy for someone else.

I am a firm believer in accepting people for who and what they are. No one is perfect. That would make them boring.

I may not always be the greatest friend in the entire world, but no matter what has ever been going on in my life good or bad or I have always taken the time to celebrate the good things going on in my friends' lives.

Just a thought for today.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Writing Web Content

Things to Bear in Mind While Writing Content for the Web

When you are sitting and contemplating what to write for content for your web page, or if you are a writer and you have a request from a client for web content there are certain things you need to keep in mind.

Obviously writing for the web is different then writing a book you are going to have printed and published, much as a term paper for college is going to be more in depth then an article for the web on the same topic. Web content needs to be shorter. Why you ask, because reading on the web is more difficult then picking up a book or newspaper. Reading from the computer screen puts a greater strain on your eyes. The fuzziness that the computer screen gives makes a person read slower and makes the brain process the information slower.

Secondly you may want to consider the old adage, “Less is more”. This is especially true when writing for web content. Think about it, we live in a world when we want the information that we want now! Not after reading through pages of information, heck we will find another site in less time that will give us what we want quicker. So if you can cut out words, be more precise and concise you will be more successful.

Paragraphs, hmmmm this one will depend on they style of writing. Generally speaking though, if you browse over web articles you will find much shorter paragraphs then in a book. As long as the paragraph does not drag on forever, I don’t really think there is a right or wrong paragraph size. Use your best judgment and keep all of the points I am mentioning in your head while you are writing.

Probably the most important thing to keep in mind, more so then keyword optimization, write for the reader not for your self. You want to write in a way that the reader is going to get what they are looking for, in a comfortable conversational tone with out big words. Trust me on this one if you don’t believe anything else I am saying.

Another important key that ranks right up there with writing for the reader is that you need to be direct. What do I mean by this? Know what you are going to talk about, start at the beginning and work your way through to the end in way that makes sense and flows nicely. Don’t skip all over the place, you are going to give your reader a headache, they are going to get frustrated and there goes your hopes of being an acclaimed web writer.

When it comes to word choice, make powerful word choices. Don’t just say that the steak was good. Say it was bursting with flavor that filled your mouth with the sensation that your taste buds were standing up and applauding. Paint a picture and put your reader there. You want them to taste that steak, or be on that beach, or empathize with the victim. They need to become part of what you are writing.

To use sub headings or not? I say it depends on what you are writing about. If the content is lengthy and there are many topics you need to cover to have it complete then yes use them. As far as I am concerned that is when they are needed. The only other time I believe they are necessary is if you are talking about different things that aren’t really related to one another. If you are going to use them, make sure that they make sense and that they grab the reader’s attention.

These are only a few of the things that you need to keep in mind while writing for web content. You can be successful with your writing, and make money if you follow these simple guide lines.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Kids Can Be Green Too!

I think that we need to include our children in our efforts to save the world. Maybe really, it is them encouraging us to help them save the planet.

I have been a tree hugger for as long as I can remember. I have raised my children as well to respect mother nature and take care of her. When we would walk through the woods, my son used to like to whack the trees and pull the branches. I told him, one day, those trees would get him back. How would he like it if those trees pulled his hair and smacked him around. He looked at me like I was insane. He was five. That same day, I kid you not, as we were walking back a tree branch flung up and hit him in the shoulder. Believe me, well all just stood there. He didn't know if he should cry or what. I told him, "I told you they would get you back." He never pulled or smacked another tree. He hugs them now when he needs to feel grounded. Makes me proud.

Now my children are slightly older, 12 and 9. My daughter now does the dishes. I remind her daily, to not keep the water running as she is rinsing. To wait until the sink is full of clean dishes or to fill that sink with water and then dip the dishes into that water to rinse.

They do not use toothpaste pumps, because they supply to much waste. They don't leave the water running the entire time either.

My son is clever, he doesn't flush... I yell at him... it's gross... he says that he is conserving water. While I know people do that, and that it is smart.... that one, I can't do. Flush... please... it is a viable alternative to pollution caused by the smell left behind and building in the potty.

We don't use paper towels or cups. We do use water bottles that we refill.

My son and his friends get together to swap toys they no longer want instead of throwing them out. If a toy isn't traded and not wanted, we donate it to the homeless shelter or to good will.

My daughter swaps clothes. She loves it. It is a new wardrobe to her... and to her friends.

There are ways they can protect the environment and you can help. Going green doens't have to be expensive. It can really be done for free. It is the small things that make the biggest impact.

Hug a tree... plant a flower.... stand bare foot in the dirt... recycle....

Another Great Quote

I live in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of maturity.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Einstein Quote

"Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it."

So said Albert Einstein

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Soap Box Time

Well, there is one thing that is very near and dear to my heart that I have yet to blog about. Shame on me for this!

The environment, mother nature, the green earth and the blue waters. We need to be taking care of these very precious commodities. While you may think that this blog is due to the big Earth concert this past weekend, it isn't. Those that know me, will laugh while they tell you that I do in fact hug trees and they have seen me do it. They think I am insane when I tell them to hug one as well. Hey, until you have done it, don't knock it. It is a truly energizing experience.

There are times that I have journeyed into the middle of the forest, just to sit and listen to the trees. As I pointed out to my husband the last time we walked through the woods, have you ever noticed that not all trees sway a breeze. Have you ever stopped to listen to them talk? You should, part of the problem with our society is that we are not intune with mother nature.

There are simple little things that you can do to "go green" and not totally change your way of life, so there goes that excuse.

For example, when you shower, brush your teeth during your shower. Try to keep that shower to three minutes. Do you realize that the water you use in a 3 minute shower is more water then a person in Africa uses for an entire day for all their needs. Stop and think about that.

What's her name, Tyra Banks, believes in only flushing when needed. Which I assume means after going number 2 or multiple times of number 1. Ok, sorry Tyra, that is just nasty. Because the smell that is created is toxic enough, please flush.

Use refillable water bottles. Even if you are recycling, refill them.

Check out and up and coming website all about the going green and the funny stories that go along with it.!

I highly recommend it, and who knows I may become a writer for them as well. I hope anyway.

Oh! Speaking of writing. I gave up the note book and went to the laptop. Even though I used recycled note book paper.... I still used to much of it. So now, Word is my friend and it all gets saved on the computer. Mistake = delete!

Be kind to mother nature!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Paypal Update

My paypal frustrations have come to an end. I now have access to my money.

I have been issued a warning though, that I better not use paypal in association with 6 x 6 million. Whatever! As I stated, I never did use them.

But the website that caused such a problem is disabled so they don't have to worry.

Frustration with Paypal Continues!

I have to tell you that I am still incredibly frustrated and very unhappy with paypal.

After finally getting a response on what to do to resolve the issues and have my funds released. Well... I have tried to go in and follow what they adivsed doing. Which was having the paypal information removed from the website that is causing the problem and I needed to accept the Acceptable User's agreement online.

Well, after your paypal account is set up initially and you accept all of thier terms, when you go back in to your account there isn't a way to re-accept the agreement. You can read it, but that is the extent of it. I have tried contacting them three times asking them how to accept the online agreement when it does not give me the option to accept it and they have not responded. Nor are they releasing my money to me.

Now, let me explain the website that caused this problem. Five months ago, I spent six dollars and got a 6x6miilion business. It was six dollars to see if it worked. They put up your website for you with payment information, paypal is one of the options a person has to make a payment.

Ok, you may be sitting there thinking why would I waste my money. Well, part of what I do for a living is investigate internet scams and report about them on one of my other blogs so that YOU don't have to waste the money to find out on your own. So that is why I did it. It was only six dollars, one of the cheapest sites I have investigated and no I have not made one penny from them. Which is pretty much what I expected.

If I was to post my paypal account, you would see that there has never been any money sent or recieved from that website. Never, not one. As I said the other day all my funds come from the clients that I write for.

Paypal doesn't care it seems. They state that the 6x6million website is a MLM. Using paypal then to send or recieve payments from such sites is considered a violation and they can then close your account and hold your funds for 180 days. Which is precisely what they are doing.

I have contacted the website designer and asked that not only my information be removed but that they deactivate my site. Which is one term to have my paypal account restored. The second of course is accpeting the Acceptable Use Agreement online. Which there is no option when you go in, to re-accept it.

Paypal though I have contacted them three times trying to understand how to accept and agreement that there is no option for, they seem to have better things to do then respond.

Seeing as how I can not live with out being able to get paid, I went into one of my other paypal accounts... I had to go through my paper work, I knew I had other accounts but couldn't remember the information for them, one had a zero balance and the other had a balance of .65. One of them I closed and the one with the .65 I went in and updated and gave that information to my clients.

So paypal wants to play games so though I said it was to big of a hassle to set up another account, it wasn't that big of a deal to up date an older account.

This would be my adivse to you. Always have atleast two paypal accounts. It simply requires you to have two email addresses. Yes you can only assign a bank account to one and only one paypal account, the way around this is to have your checking account on one paypal account and the savings account on the other. This is precisely what I did and I am now able to get paid while I wait for my funds from my other paypal account to be released from prison.

I suppose what makes me the most angry is that I never "used" my paypal account to send or recieve money from the 6x6million website. The money that they are holding was not generated from that site, and they know that. Therefore, if they want to limit my account or close, fine but there is no reason for them to hold my funds for 180 DAYS! Does holding money for that long make it come from somewhere else? I don't get it.

So if paypal decides to repsond and tell me how to accept thier agreement I will have to let you know. As it stands right now, they aren't. And I am going to go through thier agreement again and get out my legal books and challenge what it is they are saying.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Upset with Paypal

Did you read your paypal user agreement and guidelines.

Well I skimmed over them, I have been a paypal member for five years. I have never had a problem with them up unitl today. I get up this morning to get an email that states my account has "limited access" and I am advised to login to my paypal account and see what I can do to fix the situation.

I login only to find that my account has actually been closed and my funds are being held captive for 180 days. I am sure that you are wondering why in the world this would happen. I am going to tell you.

A number of months ago, I signed onto a website in an effort to supplement income that as far as paypal is concerned is an MLM site. This is a violation of paypal terms and usages. I would have to say in all fairness that this was five months ago. FIVE MONTHS AGO.

Even more astounding is that not once have I recieved money through the MLM website to my paypal account nor have I sent money in regards to the website through paypal. Not once. Not one penny. My account history will show that the only money I recieve is from my employer, where I am a staff writer for their company. Which is NOT an MLM. I also recieve money from a couple other clients that I write for. Paypal made all of our lives easier and allowed me access to my money quicker then waiting for a paper check. Also I have two clients that will only send your payment through paypal.

So while I can't not work, and jeopardize my position as a writer, I also am left with a nice chunk of change being help hostage by paypal and I will not be able to receive the payments that I have coming this week.

I know, you are thinking why not create another account. Well, that requires a new email and that I have to have a seperate bank account. Because did you also know that if your bank account is tied to another paypal account it will not let you use the same bank account for another paypal account.

It is a pain in the ass!

So I called paypal this morning trying to get things worked out. I was given an email address so that I could contact a different department that would actually be able to help me resolve this issue. No phone number for them. So I now sit and wait for them to respond in hopes that I will be able to get paid for my work, and get MY money that paypal is holding captive.

I am not very happy with paypal as you can see. There was no warning, even sent me a new debit card and then the next day closed my account. Lovely isn't it...

I could understand if I had actually used paypal against the rules. But I didn't.I t just so happens that there is a website where my information for payment includes paypal. Though no funds have ever entered or left my paypal account in regards to that website.

I will have to let you know how this is resolved. Meanwhile, I will figure out how to receive my money for writing.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Another Way to Find Me

Apparently if you do a search for Jennifer Shakeel, my writer resume will pop up.

Just thought I would add that for you as well. :)

My Professional Blog

I have been asked how someone can go and find my work on the web. My husband has been trying, which I think is great.

So this is how you will find me on the web. Do a search for jen shak. That is my pen name. If you do that the first three or four pages that will pop up are mine. Going to these sites you can then link to my other work.

My professional blog, where there are samples of articles that I have written for clients can be found at (my pen name on that site is WillowSpeaks)

My blog where I write my own articles for my self can be found at

There is also a link to all my blogs on this page.

I wanted to make sure everyone knew how to find me!

PLR for Content

I've been doing a lot of reading lately about Private Label Rights (PLR) content. I used to think that it was only for lazy people who didn't want to do their own writing. But as I learn more, I've come up with lots of great ways I can use PLR in my own business.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, PLR is content that you get from the original author along with their permission to use it as your own. So you can get a great report, put your name on it and have your own product to sell or give away!

The first couple of products I created using PLR only took me about half an hour. There have been a few sales so far from them so that was definitely time well spent.

When searching for PLR content to use, I found there were a lot of different types of sites available. Some offered monthly memberships and others offered just one time purchases. So be sure to look around before you decide where to buy.

The site I found that was by far the best was PLRWholesaler. Not only do they have an unbelievable amount of content, but it's completely FREE. Most sites charge an arm and a leg for the amount of content that this guy is giving away.

And although I haven't been through everything yet, what I have read is very good quality. It's stuff you would actually want to use as your own.

Since it's free, I highly recommend that you check out PLRWholesaler and see if they have anything that you can use in your business. There just may be an ebook or audio recording that you could quickly brand with your information and start selling to your list.

Check it out and let me know what you think...

Monday, June 18, 2007

My Girlie Girl

My daughter has just returned from her very first cross country travels alone. She has come back a different person. Which is good and bad. She isn't the same little twelve year old I put on the plane, she came back a more grown up, and more of her own person. It is a beautiful thing to see, but also sad because she is my baby girl.

The point of this, is that she came back with a book idea and she really wants to write. That is a part of her that wants to take after me :), so I have set up another blog specifically for her.

It is called Book Train and you will be able to check it out for book reviews that she has written, as well as her own creations. She is a very talented artist and her writing has really improved. So I am proud to be able to help her get her writings out there.

Please view her blog!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Time Away for Doing What I Love

I must apologize for my time away. I have been very busy writing and making money at it.
It has been a very liberating experience to be able to do what I love and make money at it consistently.

There are plenty of places on the internet, that if you enjoy writing you can write and get paid for it. Granted you may not always being doing the most creative writing on the planet, half the time you are writing various forms of research articles but it pays.

I would recommend to anyone that wants to make a living at writing to check a couple freelance sites. Two of them that are really good, and free are and Both of these sites post jobs daily for freelancers to bid on. Project range from data entry, transcribing, web page design and so on. Really it is worth you spending ten minutes to sign up and check out what they have to offer because you never know where it will lead.

That is actually how I ended up with both of my paying writing jobs that are consistent. There were two different projects posted asking for writers and if you were a good writer and reliable and could perform consistently it may lead to full time work. That was what I was looking for. I don't mind having to bid on jobs and wait for the job to close and the posting client decide what bid to accept and then you find out if you got. You can make more money that way, but it isn't consistent and it takes time. So I recommend finding the ones that offer steady work while you are bidding on the rest.

There are some sites that you can go to and apply to be a writer such as,, I am in the process of checking these out now and I will update you on what I found.

You can check out, they are very good, reliable and helpful. You have to submit a writing sample and follow thier guidelines and then they decide whether or not to put you on staff. They don't pay "big money" but they offer consistent money. You set what you make based on how much you write.

Check back tomorrow to see what I have to say about those three sites.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Sound Advice

I am here today to offer you sound advice on what I have learned. I have written about this in various ways on my other blogs, but I am hoping that here and now you will listen and take it to heart.

I have spent the last few days writing and researching articles. I am happy to tell you that on top of being a published poet, I was taken on as a writer on an internet site. It may not always be the most creative writing, but it pays. So I get to build a reputation in the writing world and make money. Which I love, I am doing what I love and I make a living at it. Not many people out there can honestly say that. And that is why I am writing this.

Most people would love to have their own business, the idea of being their own boss, work when they want, flexibility and so. So they get on the internet and scour for hours trying to find the perfect business out there that they are going to be millionaires at. I will be the first to tell you that there are hundreds, if not hundred of thousands of businesses that you can operate from your home. There are businesses out there that you can acquire that won’t even cost you much money up front, there is one that I know of that you can actually attain for free and then how much of a monetary investment you make is up to you.

So my word of caution to you is this, don’t pay for something if you don’t have to and are not in a position to do so. There are “gurus” upon “gurus” out there that want you to believe that you will not be a success without what they have to offer. You don’t need them really, and you definitely don’t need them before you know what it is that you want to do. Understand this before jumping into an online business, or any business, KNOW what you want to do. Be realistic about how much time, money and effort you are going to put into this business. Remember it is NOT a job, it is a business.

There is not a successful business out there that did not have a framework to build from, with the person creating it no knowing what they wanted to achieve and how they were going to do it. Outside of winning the lottery, there isn’t anything out there that is going to make you a millionaire over night.

If you are going to buy a product online from a guru, make sure that there is a money back guarantee and that you will be able to get your money back if it doesn’t work out. I have seen people write programs off as scam just because once they got they realized it required them to work at it. That doesn’t make a program a scam, it means that it is legit. But also know that all the information you need is out there, and you can get it for free. It will only cost you your time. It is always better to do the research yourself, so you know what you are looking at and what you are looking for, make an informed decision.

Take this from someone that started out as a hostess, worked data entry, became a nurse, ran a successful home based real estate business and now is what she should’ve been from the beginning, a writer. Check out my other blogs for more information on businesses and scams. The links are on this page…. But here they are just incase you don’t want to look for them. J

Sunday, May 20, 2007

I am a Writer

For the first time yesterday, when I was asked what I do. I responded, "I am a writer." It was really kind of an empowering statement. I said it, and believed it. It was neat. I followed up with telling them that I had a few poems published, that I have done a few Internet ads and I author a few blogs on the net. The response was better then what I thought it would be.

Usually I am asked if I am a stay at home momor do I work. Well, most any stay at home will tell you that it is work. Clothes don't fold themselves, houses don't clean themselves, bills don't pay themselves...and the list goes on. And yes there are those people that then say,"OK well that is one days work, what do you do with the rest of your time." After a deep breath to calm myself I explain. I run two Internet businesses, as well as trying to get a fundraising program in order for our school systems here. But I always forget what it is I really do. I write.

My business is writing and publishing these blogs that I have, that yes are decorated with ads to help make money off what I am doing. I have a couple poems published, I have always written stories for various reasons. But basically what I do is I write, and I love it! I found a couple of sites for freelancers, and that made my day. I don't know why I never thought of it before, or tried looking for anything like it before. So I got incredibly excited! See, I have bought the course for data entry, and data entry today isn't what you think it is. It's blogging and promoting your blog. It is researching products and programs to put the ads on your page so that you make money. It is driving traffic to your site so that those ads are seen. Yes there are also data entry positions where they give you the info, tell you the format you do the ad, they pay you. Mindless activity really, but it pays the bills.

I have found a couple other sites that pay you to write. There is Helium. Which is a nice site. They circulate your writing and you earn money on what you write about. There are tons of topics and if you don't find one you want to write about, you submit your own topic. It's free to join, it's free to write, there is no promoting, there are no ads to research and upload. It is writing, and it is great.

I have also found "The Legend of Mernac", this is a truly amazing site and community. They are a very supportive community and all are welcome. The have a mission and a purpose, and those two things are why I joined. I haven't submitted to them yet, because I want to make sure that it is a really good story and that I don't let them down. Again, this site is free, you have the potential to make money with them down the road, but really their purpose is why I joined. I am really excited about them.

Of course, potentially getting paid is not what really pays the bills, and dreaming isn't what pays the bills. BUT being able to combine the dreams, the writing, loving what I do, and being able to pay bills all in one is what takes the cake. Writing to me is freedom for the soul. It is a way out, it is a way in, it is a way to sort things out, to figure out why, to celebrate all that you have, and make real all that you want.

So yesterday when I was asked what I did and to be able to say first, "I am a writer," and get the compliment that "Being a mom is job enough, I can't imagine being creative enough to write a poem and get published." Was the nicest thing that I had heard all day. The truth is, that anyone can do it. You just have to try, and believe that you can do it. We only ever think we can't until we actually try to do it.

Remember the first time you climbed a tree... you didn't think that you could do it either. Being a new parent for the first time, I have never met anyone that thought they could do it. But you did. So give your hand and mind a test drive.. and create! It is a wonderful experience.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Time To Get Serious

It is time to get down to business. I was excited to recieve in the mail today another notice...I believe that this is my fifth...that one of my poems is going to be published. It is a big deal to me. My first poem was published when I was 11 years old. I wrote it after my grandmother died. It was my way of healing. I remember writing it at her wake after the funeral. I read it to the family, of course everyone thought it was great. I found a poetry contest and entered it. That poem won three awards and was published.

I have always loved to write. It used to be a way to escape my life, to help heal the wounds. It was a way to get through. As I grew up it was still a way to escape whatever it was that was going on, and a way to celebrate moments of my life. I would write stories where I could be someone else, and poems to talk about how I felt.

Now I write to celebrate life moments and journeys. I write to express what I feel at a particular moment. I write for myself, and I write for other people. When I say that I mean that I write so that the person out there that feels alone or stuck or depressed knows that they really aren't alone. I have been through enough in life to be able to share alot.

I have written twice about my husband and once in honor of my sister's wedding and those three were published. My most recent poem struck me at a moment of feeling lost. We all have those moments whether we want to admit it or not. But I got the announcement in the mail today that it was going to be published. So I wanted to share that great news with all of you. I will be supplying more samples of my work on this blog. As I said it is time to get serious. :)

Blessed Be~

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Blog Log

I just wanted to recommend another site realy quick for everyone to check out and join. It is

It is a great community to join if you like to blog and want to get exposure and meet others that are blogging also. Check them out!

Silly Me

I keep forgetting to give you guys the most amazing link that I have found out there.

For everyone that likes to write, and would like to make a difference I suggest that you click on this link and check it out. It is really a rarity and it is beautiful.

Why should you go?
Well if for no other reason then to read why the creator of the site is doing it. In the world that we live in, we all are to easily distracted from helping those around us. Yes we complain about the state of the world, but what are we doing about it?

So what if the first step is you checking out that link above? And what if the next step is simply writing a blog entry? And the nest step is spreading the word.

This site is not what you are thinking it is. It is very different. It is a warm, supportive and welcoming environment. They aren't going to sell you anything, preach at you, nothing of the sort. It is a creative place to go to help mold the world into what it should be.

Do enjoy it!

Blessed Be!

Moving in the Right Direction

My most recent endeavor to do good is to spread the word about this really great business I have that really benefits everyone that gets involved.

I am trying to get the schools here locally to use it. Today was a vote about a new levy to help our schools get the money the need to operate. It's funny, we will shell money out to help children everywhere but here.

I am tired of programs being cut from our schools, and I am tired of all schools not being equal and I am tired of our children suffering. I am tired of our schools barely being able to maintain forget about improving.

So with this little endeavor that I have we all win. Yes I make money off of it, but so will every single person that participates as well as the school.

All it takes is for the school to sign up, then each teacher sign up and then the parents in each teachers class. It is free to join, it doesn't require anyone to spend anythign extra then what they spend in a month anyway. The same $50 at Walmart or Target in your town, buying the same products that you buy anyway.... just using this program to do it.

Of course I had a parent the other day tell me that shipping and handling is extra. and I pointed out that the natioanl gas prices right now are over $3/gallon. Plus the time it takes you to drive to your store and drive home, really it all equals out to be the same. It might even save you money doing it my way instead of the usual way.

Items are shipped right to the person's house, no one has to drive to the school to pick it up. No one has to donate time to package ans sort. It is all done already.

It is truly a wonderful program. If you are interested in using it for your self or to help the world around you check out my other site:

Let me know what you think!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

An Effort to Do Good


I have spent the day reflecting on the word "good" and what it means to me. Part of that time I was thinking about what it meant to DO good and if I did that enough. I try, honestly I do on a daily basis.

I look around at the world, our society, my neighborhood. There are so many chances for a person do something to help the fellow human being, and half the time it goes undone. It makes me sad at times, I still have not figured out the philisophy behind that mentality. Lets face it, when your time comes and you need help aren't you going to be wondering why no one is helping you. It doesn't take much.

I look at our schools, we just left Indiana because of my husband's job and moved to Ohio. the school system we left was the best in the area academically but there were not any sports, music or art programs for the kids. Budget cuts. And now here, we are in the one of the top two school systems here and luckily they have band and art and the gym classes offer cool things like archery. But we are facing loosing those programs due to not enough money in the budget from the state. Which set me into motion. Our children are the future of this world and if they do not have all the oppurtunties that we had how can they be prepared to make this world better.

So I came up with a solution. One of my businesses that I run on the internet will allow me to set the each school up individually to make money to support the programs they have and add more if needed. It has the potential to bring the school over $4000 a month. Each school in our system. It doesn't require anyone to do anything different then what they do already, just to adjust how they do it. And it helps the school. Most of the people around here are complaining about the levy that is being voted on because the school doesn't know where else to get the money they need to operate, so with my program they don't need to spend any extra. I am hoping that it works and we get the school the money they need.

Another project of mine is to build a playground in our neighborhood for all the kids. We live in a nice neighborhood, and there are tons of kids here. Our community has a pool, but nothing else for the kids to do. There are still a few vacant lots around and one of then could be used for a playground. With benches and trees, a nice community family place. I talked with another parent in the community last night and she was really excited and offered her assistance and ideas. I am really looking forward to this project. I am hoping that we can get it done this summer. And this project just makes my heart soar I tell you. It will make my day when it is done.

I was a nurse, and I went into nursing to make a difference in peoples' lives. A postivie difference. I think most of the time I succeded. I know that I had a number of patients that made a very big difference on mine.

To me that is what "good" is. It is making a positive difference in the lives of the people around you. It doesn't take much. Smile at people, hold the door, help carry groceries, offer your ear or shoulder to someone that needs it. I used to laugh at the fact that total strangers would come up to me an pour thier hearts and souls out to me, now it makes me humble. There are times when the best thing you can do to help someone is to listen to them. Hear what they are saying. That is the greatest good you can do, listen.


I use to write fantasy stories all the time. Great rich love stories with a hero and tragedies and successes. So that you read them and went "Wow". Fantasy becuase they weren't real, and I didn't believe that they could be. My grandparents had a fantasy love story. They literally lived and died for one another. I spent my life looking for that, my mom always telling me that it wasn't real, and I was going to be greatly disappointed. I was the first time around.

And then... I met a truly amazing man. I wasn't looking for anyone. Had gotten divorced, never planned on doing it again. Notice I say divorced and not married. And then he came along.

Our situation at first was not ideal or perfect by anyone's standards, but it required trust and understanding. Societal and cultural differences and demands. We were honest with one another from the start, and it brought about this fantasy of a marriage and relationship into reality.

My husband is the first person that I can honestly tell you that I need. He completes me. I know that I would be lost with out him. I also know that he feels the same way about me. For though I have only said it once, he has told me on different occassions. It is enlightening to love someone so much and so completely. There is a peace that comes with it.

He is my hero, we have struggled through our tragedies and have arisen stronger then we were before. He is my knight in shining armour. For me, the sun rises and sets within him. And though I am not christian in faith, the one thing I pray to the universe to ask for is that if this is a fantasy... that it never is dissolved by reality.

He makes me feel good enough. Real. Loved.

Getting It Right

I spend the better part of my days blogging. I blog to make money. I blog to help people. I blog to share my life with others. Why? Because I have made enough mistakes and incorrect judgements in this life that I urge you to do what I told my parents I couldn't do, "Learn from my mistakes," my answer was always, "I have to make them myself to learn from them."

Ok... maybe on some mistakes that is true. But on others, share in the wealth of experience around you and save yourself the agony.

Now this is not to tell you that all my decisions and choices have been bad. Quite the contrary, over all I would tell you that for ME about 88% were right and the other 12% were... poor, and not right at all. But I learned from them, so I can not say that they were bad. There are no bad life experiences as long as you have learned something from it. Sure they might hurt alittle, but pain fades and you must move on. Burn your hand once on a hot stove, you are less likely to do it again.

So, you may be wondering what is the point of this today. I am going to restructure this site alittle bit. Move some of the adds to my different blogs, and make it look less commericial.

What brought this about? Trying to get my blog accepted at blogcatalog. I know you are raising your eyebrow, but they seem to think that this is solely for commericial purposes, and it isn't. And the only reason I can think that they get that impression is because of the amount of adds here. Sometimes I look at it and think it looks great, other times I look at it and try to figure out how to cut back.
I have to pay the bills, so I can't be add free.

I also want to stress the fact that the ads I have one here are for products and companies that I know will do right for you. They aren't going to rip you off or scam you. Because that I have been victim of myself to many times and I want to help you avoid that. I have a blog solely dedicated to telling you what is scam and what isn't. It is listed in my blog links,

I also have a site that is dedicated to life and journey of following The Secret, the law of attraction. That site is very special to me, very personal. The Secret is something that I completely believe in. I have bought so many copies of that book to give to my friends, because it is simple truth, Life is EXACTLY what YOU make it.

Check that one out, you'll either decide to change your life or you'll think that I am completely out of my mind. You wouldn't be the first... and you won't be the last.

There is something else that I ask you all to do. Which is check out another blog that I read today, there is a really cool contest that they are doing, and yes you have the chance to win $500, but the reason I am doing it and recommending it is because of WHY they are holding this contest. Here is the link to the blog:

And then if you want to look at it more, try MySpace and search Legends of Mernac. i think it is absolutely amazing. If for no other reason, go to the website and read the general perspective and the creator's perspective. Actually on MySpace all you have to do is type in "Mernac" and a few sites pop up for you to check out.

So as you can see, I am going to talk more about what I am doing and what I recommend for you to check out. I am going to cut back on some of the ads. And make this site more beneficial, which was my intent anyway. :)

Oh, before I hit post, I want to encourage you to read the article below on "Own the Internet", go sign up for this it is free and you are on the net anyway, why not get paid for your time.

Again, I am grateful that you took the time to read this today. Thank you!

A Free Way to Find Someone

It is time here at Wisdom of Jen to pay the bills. So I wanted to let you in on new little place that you can go and meet people. And the best part is that it is completely free.

The name of the page is "Just Say Hi" located at .
This is an online dating service that is FREE to everyone. They never ask for a credit card, there is no monthly membership dues. It is free.

Just Say Hi boast all the same services that the paid online dating services open. It offers an online community board for everyone to chat on. There is a tab where you can compare Just Say Hi ( ) to the other online dating services so that you can see the similiarites and the differences that this FREE site offers.

What do you have to loose? Nothing, it is risk free and you get to meet the type of person you are looking for... for free.

Check them out !

Monday, April 30, 2007

Own the Internet!

AGLOCO: The Internet's First Economic Network

Today’s hottest Internet businesses are all about the power of social networks. Companies like MySpace, Facebook, and YouTube have become worth billions because businesses have realized that these social networks are generating huge advertising and marketing opportunities. As these social networks grow, the economic potential for its owners – and the advertisers who target the site’s users – is remarkable.

At AGLOCO, we asked a simple question: The users created the community, where’s their share of the profit?

It was from this question that AGLOCO set out to create the Internet’s first Economic Network, harnessing the power of Internet-based social networks to directly benefit the Members who help to create the community.

Becoming a member of AGLOCO is as simple as completing a brief sign-up page (name, age, location and email address.). Once you’re a Member, you will be asked to then download the Viewbar™ software. (Note: the Viewbar™ software is currently unavailable, as it is in closed testing. It will be ready for public download in a few weeks, and members will be notified when it is available.)

AGLOCO makes money for its Members in many ways:

Search: Every time you use the Viewbar™ to do an Internet search, AGLOCO earns money from the search engine providers. (For example, Google pays as much as $0.10 on average for each search that is directed to its search engine.)

Advertising: The Viewbar™ itself displays ads that are targeted based upon the websites you’re visiting. When you click on an ad and make a purchase, AGLOCO receives a referral fee, which we pass on to our Members. (Please note: Individual members do not receive any compensation for clicking on ads in the Viewbar™, and the Viewbar™ can detect if someone is clicking ads in a fraudulent manner.)

Transaction commissions: Many major retailers pay commissions when you refer customers who make a purchase. AGLOCO collects that commission and passes it on to our members. (For example, Amazon pays an 8.5% commission to most websites who refer customers, and has cut deals for even larger percentages. The bigger the AGLOCO community, the better commission we can negotiate for our Members.)

Software distribution: Numerous software companies pay websites to encourage the download of new software releases (for example, Adobe’s Flash and Acrobat Reader software), and trial versions of new programs. AGLOCO members not only get access to the latest and coolest software, they get paid for it.

Service distribution: Many online service providers will look to the AGLOCO community as a source of new and active users for their services. (For example, eBay, Skype, and PayPal, among others, all pay fees to people who help them recruit new active users to their services)

Product distribution: When Members agree to use a product, such as cell phones, high-tech gadgets, office supplies, new credit cards or financial services, AGLOCO can collect referral fees. Some companies even offer special rebate and cash-back programs.

AGLOCO Members make money in four ways.

Members earn a monthly share of the AGLOCO revenue based on the use of the AGLOCO Viewbar™ that month.

Members earn part of the company based on the use of the AGLOCO Viewbar™ that month (currently a maximum of five hours are rewarded). See Below for details.

Members who use our referral system to help build the AGLOCO network will earn more. (AGLOCO only has significant value as a large network and people who help build it should be rewarded. – We also feel that the early users who told friends about YouTube or MySpace or even Google probably deserved something too, but no referral system was available to record their work).

Members will also get a share of any commissions AGLOCO gets when a Member purchases a product or service from an AGLOCO Sponsor company.

Why should I join now?
First, it costs nothing to Join and takes less than one minute.

Second, you can help build the AGLOCO community by recruiting new Members TODAY.

Right now, inviting your friends to join AGLOCO is as easy and productive as it will ever be – but you need to invite your friends before someone else beats you to them.

Remember, the bigger the AGLOCO community, the more attractive AGLOCO is to potential business partners and advertisers.

Recruit your friends and family by contacting them through email. (But remember we have a strict anti-spam policy.)

Use your blog and your existing social networks, such as MySpace and Facebook, to contact your friends and encourage them to join a new community that will actually let them earn money.

Be a part of the Internet’s first Member-Owned Economic Community.
Join AGLOCO - Own the Internet!



Earn Shares in the Company

You accumulate hours in your account for your use of the Viewbar™ software, up to the maximum monthly hours (which is country-specific). These hours can be convertible into shares of AGLOCO™ stock See below the country specific restrictions on conversion. You can also accumulate hours in your account for the usage of Viewbar™ by your direct referrals and extended referrals. You become eligible for the shares when your account reaches your country's minimum payout limit.

See the current listing for hourly rates, hours and minimum payout limits on the Global Earnings Table.

As a new company, AGLOCO™ is a private company that is not traded on any stock exchange. We are exploring public offerings of the stock on various major global stock exchanges as a means to facilitate the issuance of shares to Members.

Country Specific Restrictions

Currently AGLOCO™ is open for Membership to anyone worldwide. However, due to different regulatory requirements in each country, it may become necessary for AGLOCO™ to restrict certain countries from Viewbar™ downloads or Viewbar™ use.
In some countries, for Member participation, AGLOCO™ may have to qualify for share issuance prior to offering shares to Members. In all countries prior to share issuance, Members' hours will be accrued and shares will be issued when the AGLOCO™ board of directors approves them.
Some countries may be too small or legal requirements too complicated, for shares to be issued to Members in that country. (As a Member owned company it may not be prudent to incur the excess expenses for all Members, just to distribute shares in the countries so affected). In this case, AGLOCO™ reserves the right to exchange hours for cash, once there is a public market for AGLOCO™ stock.
Earn Cash

As AGLOCO™ grows and the company generates positive cash flow, we will be distributing the excess cash to Members and shareholders of the company. In addition, Members can earn cash directly in their accounts for certain transactions with AGLOCO™ sponsor sites.

Remember, the company is 100% owned by the Members, so we will put the cash to work to best reward the Member/shareholders of the company. The cash will be used for payouts based on hourly Viewbar™ usage, cash dividends to Member / shareholders and/or share buybacks of the company's shares.

Members Do Not Earn Hours / Shares / Cash for:

Signing up as a new member.
Referring new members who do not become active members.
Clicking on ads. There is no incentive or requirement to click on ads.
Changing your online behavior in any way. Just download the Viewbar™ software and use the Internet how you always have.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Another Idea

Ok, though I usually am talking about home business ideas on my other blog "Time Well Spent", I use that more as a site to educate you on what and how to do the different business and what one's to stay away from. In my last entry here I talked about my two sites (see last entry)which are free to join. Absolutely positively free to join. And they are absolutely great programs. I want to add another one to that.

The reason I add this program is for very simply reasons, it is free and it is loaded with free ways to market, and places to go for free to join networking groups. I can not stress the importance of networking. Finding people that are like you in the fact that they have thier own businesses or are starting one, and they share ideas on how to make it work for you. They offer help, they offer advice. It's wonderful. Just when I was ready to rethink internet business I got a phone call from the gentleman that works this program. And even though at the time I was not supporting his program he helped me. He offered me links and explained what to do, not just with his program, but with ANY program you decide to do. And that phone call right there turned me around and revamped my excitement about branching out and making money online.

The site to check out is
It is free, and it could help you turn your life around and get your business where you think it should be.

I also want to give you the link to the networking site, which is also free. I make nothing off you going there and signing up, it's free. I joined the free program purposely for the info and not the money. I highly recommend going and using it to your benefit. Anyway that link is:

If you go through my site for Profit Wildfire it will take you through all the needed links to promote your program/business. If you would rather just find other people like you and start networking just use the second link. It is worth your time, and time is all it will cost you.

Best of luck to you all! And THANK YOU for checking in today!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Make Money

We are all looking for ways to make money. And we are all looking for ways to do it and it not have it cost us a fortune.

Well, I have two places that I want you to check out. The first one is COMPLETELY free! You make money off what you do everyday. That website is:

It is possible to make enough money and not do anything and be able to be at home with your family or do what ever you want!

The other place I want you to check out is free. But there are other programs to join with it that are not free. You do not have to join these other sites to make money, but they help to increase your profits. They aren’t expensive, and they have a 30 day money back guarantee. Again a great way to make money! And it is fairly easy!

The Power Mall is fairly new, but amazing. The 3 Step Secret has been around for a while and has been duplicated successfully by many people out there to make very good money. Neither are scams, they are for real!

It is to your benefit to check them out!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Simple Joy

I had to write about my weekend. I was awake most of the night thinking about exactly what to say and why... so that it appeared organized. Sorry, didn't have much success with that.

This weekend was a simple joy. I was able to spend it with my 12 year old daughter. Just the two of us, because my husband and son were out on a dad/son campout with thier "tribe".

I was most impressed to begin with by how excited my daughter was for the weekend. She is twelve and I don't really think that spending a weekend with your mom is something that you get excited about at that age. I am thankful though... she is not a typical 12 year old and well, typical is something I have never been.

She couldn't get them out of the house quick enough. Now, I fully expected this to be a weekend of Orlando Bloom movies, as that he decorates her walls and her dad isn't found of Lord of the Rings, and he can only take so much of the Pirates. So I was prepared. But what did she want to watch? The DaVinci Code... yes, my 12 year old. I had already seen it with my husband, there really wasn't anything in the movie that we would object to her seeing, so I put it in.

This lead to a very indepth conversation about God, religion and whether or not I believed the DaVinci Code. Well, to spare you my beliefs and spirituality I asked her what she thought. My children were both baptized catholic, and not at birth. I am not catholic... you can't even call me christian. But I was at a point in my life, where I felt lost. I had walked away from what I had been believing for reasons that I won't go into and decided to try the way most people think you should be... catholic, church, confession and such. I was looking for answers, and I felt it important for my children to have a better basis then I did as a child to start thier journey. Hence they were baptized at 2 and 5.

In the beginning church and prayer was VERY important to my daughter, I am sure that she condemned me to hell every time we missed church. It was very important to her, and I was supportive. On that journey I realized that what I had believe my whole life was actually what I believed and I couldn't buy into organized religion. I tried, I read the Bible, entirely, took classes, I tried... it isn't for me. But I didn't stop going because my daughter was still involved and it was important to her.

That lasted until she was in third fourth grade and the new preacher that came to her school and our church told her, as well as the school, that Muslims were killing Catholics and that they were bad people. My daughter came home in tears, her dad is Muslim, from Pakistan... why would her preacher tell her that. I am thankful that the day she came home upset, her dad was on a business trip and wasn't there. So it lead to a long talk between her and I, and my going to the prinicipal the next day.

I just want to interject that my son was never fond of church and has no desire to go. He is more interested in going to prayer with his dad.

Anyway, after this talk this weekend with my daughter I asked her what she believed. She didn't know, and she didn't know what to do. So I told her to read. Read the Bible, read about Islam, read about Hinduism and such. Read about every religion that she has questions about and figure out what she believes in and why. I will guide her, and her dad told her the same thing this weekend when he came home and she wanted to have the conversation with him. But it had to be her journey, we were only guidepost, and that the best thing for her to do was educate herself. She wants to start with reading the DaVinci Code. I told her that she needed to understand that it was looked at as a book of fiction by most... but if that was were she wanted to start, then she could.

Of course she asked me if I thought it was a book of fiction, and I said this, "The story of the characters are just that, a story, but I believe the basis for it."

The rest of the weekend she did girlie, 12 year old stuff. Shopping... we spent HOURS, yes HOURS in the malls here. We have two very large inside malls here in Dayton, and we went through one, we had to drive to the other. Had it not been cold and rainy I am sure that I would've entertained her at the outside mall called The Greene, whic is my favorite if I have to have one, the hae an amazing bookstore there.

I think she told me how awesome I was about 15 times, which made me laugh. I bought her a book, and Bertie Bots, she is a Harry Potter fan... she is slightly obessed, she shopped for shoes, and movie star sun glasses, she had to have the chocolate dipped strawberries at the chocolate shop. We lived on popcorn and pretzels all weekend, (yes I know), she got hooked on the TV show The Unit, we rented the DVDs because I was missing something and now she is hooked.

But the simple joy I had of getting to know my daughter. We have always had a good relationship and I thought we were close anyway, but rebonding with her this weekend was priceless. She is 12 and I know my time with her where she wants to be with me is limited, and I am not looking forward to the time that she gives me the "Do I Have to.." when I tell her that she and I are together for the weekend again.

I hope it is far away... I hope that she knows how much I love her and how amazing she is to me.

Enjoy your children, get to know them for who they are... not who you think they are.. you might be surprised and what you find.

Friday, April 13, 2007

A Great Way to Make Extra Money

I wanted to send a quick note to everyone reading this blog.

If you didn't blog already, you may want to consider it. Other then writing being a great release, you can make money doing it.

I recommend using a site called, they can be found at Not only is it a way to make extra money, but they also help get your blog out there to the world. So for all the links that you have on your site to help generate money, because let's face it that is why you have the ads on your site, this will help get your blog seen by more people. Which means more people see your ads, which means more money.

I recommend using blogvertise, and once you sign up, you should recommend it as well. They more people that we have using this great service the better.

And did I mention it is FREE!

Check it out!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Our Society - What is the Deal?

I was watching the Today Show this morning, as I usually do, and I was bothered by something. I have a problem with our news anchors, our media, our society as a whole.
I am going to tell you why and I ask that you hear me out and listen to what I am saying and why.

America is a wonderful country. We the people have rights and privileges that people in other countries envy. I am proud to be an American citizen, however I am not always proud of America.

My first grip, the big new today is who is the real father of Anna Nicole’s baby Danny Lynn. I am thankful for that child that she will know who here biological father is. I feel sympathetic for the family and all that they have gone through in the last few months, but is it really national news? Should it be?

I look at all the things going on in our nation that could be being reported about and taken care of, yet never are. We would rather spend air time talking about American Idol, Anna Nicole, who is Justin Timberlake dating, is Brittany in rehab? They all have their own lives, let them live them and we really don’t need to know about it. I do hope them all well, but I don’t think it helps any of them if it makes national news.

Ok, now let me turn to the shock jock with the inappropriate racial slurs. First I have to ask, are their appropriate ones? No there isn’t. While I think that yes, we as a nation should be paying attention to this, and people are calling for him to be fired for what he said. He of course is telling people what a wonderful and nice person he is and this was a mistake and he is apologizing for it.

This is what I have to say to him, an apology doesn’t make it go away. Maybe if you were telling people how wrong what you said was, and offer a way to show people that you are truly sorry it would make a difference. I tell my kids, that if you say you are sorry and you truly mean it then you will not repeat the behavior. Correct me if I am wrong, but this is a repeated behavior for this man. Lastly, if you were genuinely a nice person, you wouldn’t have to be proclaiming it all over the place the people would already know that and defend you on that. I have not heard anyone defending him.

I believe it was Matt Lauer interviewing a very intelligent woman about this matter and she made a comment that some are saying that this is just the way society is, and she has a problem with that. So do I. Just because that is the way things are doesn’t mean that it is right. We here in America are a passive society when it comes to taking care of things here at home. We are ready to take on the world and tell them how to live, and fight battles that are not our battles, but we can’t fix what needs to fixed here.

In college, I fought with my professor in one of my law classes over why it was illegal to walk into a crowded building and yell fire, but not illegal to stand outside and throw racial slurs at people starting a riot. His response is Freedom of Speech. My argument, both situations spark fear, anger and violence. The later of the two situations I believe even more intentional then the first. To me they both should be illegal.
We need to remember that Freedom of Speech is a privilege, not a right. Privileges can be taken away, they can be altered, they can be changed and if they are being abused then they need to be re-evaluated. There is a punishment that happens when a privilege is used incorrectly. People need to think before they open their mouth. I preach this to my daughter daily, she is 12 and likes to say things without thinking. I ask her why she said that, and her response is almost always “I don’t know” or “I’m sorry”. My question is “Why?”

Maybe if we all could take a deep breath the next time we start to open our mouth and say something that we actually think before it comes out our society would be a better place.

So hear is my advice, Mr. Shock Jock should be sent to an inner city school and made to volunteer his time to help improve the education of the children there. He should write a letter to the nation and it should printed in every major newspaper about how wrong what he said was, how he abused his right to Freedom of Speech and his position in broadcasting.

We should stop being such a passive society when it comes to injustices here at home. There should be no double standards.

My wish is that for one year, the United States brought all their troops home to protect our borders here. Allow the brave soldiers to protect home from within and be with their families. Let healing begin. I know with all of our troops here, we would be safer and more protected then what we are now with them scattered all over the world.

For that year, I want our borders shut down and I want our government to tell the world that we need to take care of home right now and fix what ails us to make this country the great country that it proclaims itself to be. We can not help anyone else for those 365 days, they world will have to take care of itself. Lead by example not war. Stop telling other countries how to run and treat their people, show them how to do it.

With all the money that would be saved if we did that, we could be out of debt. Our schools could be properly funded and our children’s education would be what it should be, complete. They would have art and music and athletics. All children would be getting the education that they needed.

Go to the homeless shelters and help those people get on their feet by teaching them a trade, or getting them an education and showing them a way out. Don’t give them welfare, don’t make it impossible for them to keep their dignity and pride, help them. Make sure those children in the shelters are getting a good education to break the cycle, don’t make them doomed to be in the same place 30 years from now.

Then when we are on the road to recovery and life here is improving for EVERYONE, look at the world and ask who needs help. Don’t assume that we need to go into every country and fight a war or a battle to make that country run the way we think it should, protecting our interest in what ever that country has to offer us. Because we will have taken care of what should be our greatest concern and national interest, OUR PEOPLE.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

My Mom

I thought it only appropriate to write about my mom. Because, I would also not be who I am today if it was not for her as well.

My mom ended up pregnant with me at a very young age. She and my father were 16, and they had me when they were 17. My mom coming from a very different family life then what my dad had growing up, becoming a pregnant teenager was not looked upon with loving eyes. She had the opportunity to give me up for adoption or to get an abortion, and she chose to have me instead. Her and my dad got married young and had me young. I have been told repeatedly through my life that the standing joke in the family was to see who was going to grow up first, me or my parents. For fairness sake, we grew up together.

My parents did not have a great marriage. My father was abusive and an alcoholic and enjoyed having affairs with the girls that worked for him at the various jobs he had. My mom worked, did what she could, trying to meet his demands and lived in fear. She wanted to leave, but when I was a baby he had held me by the throat over the toilet and told her that if she ever left him he would kill me. So she stayed and endured what he did to her for the sake of me, and then my siblings.

I remember us leaving him in the middle of the night fleeing to my grandparents for safety. I remember my grandparents rallying to protect us all and us going back. I remember her pain, and trips to the ER for broken bones, deeps cuts and my father screaming that she deserved what she got. She stayed to protect us, because it was safer. The old adage keep your friends close and your enemies closer I decided was what she lived by.

Growing up watching her, she taught me strength and courage. She taught me to stand up and take what ever it was life was throwing at me no matter what. She taught me that nothing in this world is more important then my children and that sacrificing myself to save them was not just what parents were suppose to do, but what my mom did. Selflessness…Determination…. Unconditional love…

My mom still til this day doesn’t realize just how strong she really is and how much she has taught me. And there are times that I wonder if my siblings are aware of what she taught them, if they way they remember our father is the same fragmented eyes that they look at our mom through.

I am grateful for my mom, and I appreciate all that she has done for me and I wish there was a way for me to even begin to repay her for just a fraction of her sacrifice.

I love you mom, and I thank you for model of what strength it takes to be a mom and a woman.

Make Money with Your Writing