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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Let Down By the Supreme Court Again

I wish that I could sit here today and say to the masses that our justice system has done us proud… but if you have read the news on the net or heard it on your local news channels, our justice system has yet again let us down.

The Supreme Court in all their wise thinking decided against the death penalty in cases of child rape.

There are currently five states that have the death penalty as punishment for rape of a child. Those five states are Louisiana (which is the state that is currently under fire) and Montana, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Texas. According to Justice Anthony Kennedy “the death penalty is not a proportional punishment for the rape of a child.”

WHAT!!!! A rapist takes away the innocence of a child, damages them for the rest of their life and that is not punishable by death?! We will sentence a person that is guilty of treason or espionage to death, but not someone that steals so much more from a child!

As far as I am concerned death is not harsh enough for these people. Instead we send them to prison where they get three meals a day, enjoy cable television, a roof over their heads and clothes on their backs all paid for by you, me and the parents of that child.

So what the Supreme Court is basically saying is that for all of those parents that have children who have been raped by a beast, and I am sorry but people who hurt children are beasts, should have to pay for that beast to be kept alive for years because the Supreme Court doesn’t feel that what the beast did was proportional enough to punish them with the death penalty.

How do you like that? Not only do parents get to work through the trauma with their child, pay for counseling and try to repair what was taken away from their child… they also get to pay for the beast to live on their tax dollars.

I say that it’s time that the United States Supreme Court wakes up. If we really wanted to end crime in this country we would have harsher punishments. Instead we want to rehabilitate and give second and third chances. I ask you, what second chance does a raped child have? Do they get to go on with their life not bothered by what happened to them? Do they have the same enjoyment of life? NO, so tell me why the person that raped them gets to.

Please, America do you honestly believe that child rapists sit in prison and feel bad for what they did? Do you think they cry at night… that they are afraid to be alone… that they are unable to trust people… are they tortured day after day reliving what they did. No the sick beasts lay there at night and think about what they did and how much fun they had. Really, we want to rehabilitate those people? Can a person like that be rehabilitated? Sure, there is the rarity… there is that one person in a hundred that might change their ways, have remorse for what they did and never do it again.

Former State Representative and author of the Louisiana law, Pete Schneider said that even opponents of the death penalty told him they would kill anyone who raped their children. "When are you going to have the courage to stand up for what's right for all of the people — but especially the children under 12 that have been brutally raped by monsters?" Schneider said, directing his comments to the justices in Wednesday's majority.

The decision by our so called “high court” leaves Patrick Kennedy’s conviction in place, but there will be new sentencing. I have a suggestion, seeing as how the Supreme Court doesn’t want to do what is right. His punishment should be that for everyday he is in prison he is brutalized and raped like his 8 year old step daughter… and his sentence should last for at least the next 50 years. That might come close to being proportional for what he did.
The case is Kennedy v. Louisiana, 07-343.

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