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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My plea to Barack Obama

Sometimes I think our personal views and ideas get in the way of our professional obligations and duties.

While I believe that everyone is entitled to practice the faith of their choice as long as it harms no one else… I don’t think that any religion should be supported by the government.

I have a huge concern over any politician… and I hate to say that I now have to include Barack Obama in that disappointing group… wanting to use government money to support religious charities and organizations. We are asking for more internal problems then our country already has… and I have to ask, do we really need anymore problems?

If we are looking for ways to improve our country and where to we should allocate government funds… let’s focus on making our country self sufficient and make sure that our people have every opportunity to take the first few steps to achieving the American dream.

Let’s make sure that our children have excellent schools that are equipped with quality teachers and programs of excellence and this includes sports, music and art.

Lets start drilling here in America and produce more of our own oil so that families don’t have to chose between fueling their car, heating their home or feeding their children.

Our government should be supporting programs that will help anyone that walks through the doors… it shouldn’t be tied to who or what you worship and how you do it.

I understand that our money is labeled “In God We Trust,” that is fine… I understand that when pledge allegiance to the United States that we say “one nation under God…” I don’t have a problem with that. But our government dollars can be better spent in so many other ways.

If you are going to fund religious based organizations then I suggest you set up a fund, 5% of the money the government has and split it evenly amongst every religious organization and charity there is in the US. Not just the organizations that are tied to your religious beliefs.

Don’t let your obligation to the country be confused with what you feel your obligations to your religion and faith are. Remember that there is suppose to be a separation of church and state… that it part of what is suppose to make America such a wonderful place to live.

I have another plea to Barack Obama… I understand the need to bridge the gap between democrats and republicans and the need to bring as many voters your way as possible… but don’t become like every other politician that gets up there and says or promises what ever it will take to gain more voters. The people that have supported you so far supported you because of what you stood for… something new… something positive… someone that was going to make change a reality. Stick to who you are… what it is you really stand for… what it is you have said.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Let Down By the Supreme Court Again

I wish that I could sit here today and say to the masses that our justice system has done us proud… but if you have read the news on the net or heard it on your local news channels, our justice system has yet again let us down.

The Supreme Court in all their wise thinking decided against the death penalty in cases of child rape.

There are currently five states that have the death penalty as punishment for rape of a child. Those five states are Louisiana (which is the state that is currently under fire) and Montana, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Texas. According to Justice Anthony Kennedy “the death penalty is not a proportional punishment for the rape of a child.”

WHAT!!!! A rapist takes away the innocence of a child, damages them for the rest of their life and that is not punishable by death?! We will sentence a person that is guilty of treason or espionage to death, but not someone that steals so much more from a child!

As far as I am concerned death is not harsh enough for these people. Instead we send them to prison where they get three meals a day, enjoy cable television, a roof over their heads and clothes on their backs all paid for by you, me and the parents of that child.

So what the Supreme Court is basically saying is that for all of those parents that have children who have been raped by a beast, and I am sorry but people who hurt children are beasts, should have to pay for that beast to be kept alive for years because the Supreme Court doesn’t feel that what the beast did was proportional enough to punish them with the death penalty.

How do you like that? Not only do parents get to work through the trauma with their child, pay for counseling and try to repair what was taken away from their child… they also get to pay for the beast to live on their tax dollars.

I say that it’s time that the United States Supreme Court wakes up. If we really wanted to end crime in this country we would have harsher punishments. Instead we want to rehabilitate and give second and third chances. I ask you, what second chance does a raped child have? Do they get to go on with their life not bothered by what happened to them? Do they have the same enjoyment of life? NO, so tell me why the person that raped them gets to.

Please, America do you honestly believe that child rapists sit in prison and feel bad for what they did? Do you think they cry at night… that they are afraid to be alone… that they are unable to trust people… are they tortured day after day reliving what they did. No the sick beasts lay there at night and think about what they did and how much fun they had. Really, we want to rehabilitate those people? Can a person like that be rehabilitated? Sure, there is the rarity… there is that one person in a hundred that might change their ways, have remorse for what they did and never do it again.

Former State Representative and author of the Louisiana law, Pete Schneider said that even opponents of the death penalty told him they would kill anyone who raped their children. "When are you going to have the courage to stand up for what's right for all of the people — but especially the children under 12 that have been brutally raped by monsters?" Schneider said, directing his comments to the justices in Wednesday's majority.

The decision by our so called “high court” leaves Patrick Kennedy’s conviction in place, but there will be new sentencing. I have a suggestion, seeing as how the Supreme Court doesn’t want to do what is right. His punishment should be that for everyday he is in prison he is brutalized and raped like his 8 year old step daughter… and his sentence should last for at least the next 50 years. That might come close to being proportional for what he did.
The case is Kennedy v. Louisiana, 07-343.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hektor, here we go again

No Hektor, I wanted to be on level playing field with you, hence the lack of spell check for that post.

I live in the real world... Maybe you should step into it…

I find it hard to believe that such an educated person as yourself, would think that association with someone that has conflicting views from yours, means that those conflicting view points are then your own then as well. Based on your posts, you are obviously not a free thinking individual, but rather one that lets his mouth run off without the brain being engaged.

I don’t understand how you can look at the history of our country and not understand why people feel the way they do over issues of race and equality. Talk about living with your head in the sand… perhaps you missed US History in high school… oh wait, you were probably one of those people that I would argue with in US History, you were probably one of the people that thought the riots were insane, that the black community should’ve tried to resolve things peacefully… THEY TRIED THAT!!! It got them no where.

Unfortunately people do not want to step outside their own make believe worlds and see how it is for the person down the road, or across the street. Generally speaking the majority of people, such as yourself, would rather sit and cast accusations, call names, avoid the issues and say that any proof or argument against your rose colored vision is pointless.

What was the last thing you did to help this country?

What programs have you started to help the people around you that need help?

When was the last time you saw someone in trouble and DIDN'T think “Oh they must deserve it?”

Based on what you are saying… you must never have traveled anywhere…as that it would mean that you have become a chameleon and are never your true self...

I would also like to know what you know about the Muslim faith? Have you read the Koran… do you actually know what it says? I have to stop here because I would be willing to bet you have never even read the Bible… sure you have heard passages quoted and referenced, but I doubt that you have actually read the entire book.

I have read the Koran… and I have read the Bible… the Torah…(which incase you didn’t know is the old testament)… I have also studied Buddhism and Hinduism… I have read numerous books on Paganism… Wicca…

Yes actually read them, I know what they say… I know what the beliefs and practices of those followers are…

There are extremist in everything Hektor… extremist take a part of something and exaggerate it to the point that it really has nothing to do with what it was taken from and then they claim that it is in the name of God… Christians have done that for really long time…maybe you didn’t learn about the Holy Crusades… the persecution of innocent people that would not walk away from their own faith to become a Christian… Oh and another leader that persecuted people based on faith, Hitler!

Next time… study before you post. I have no problem debating with you… but atleast come to the field with an educated argument.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Wisest Words to Share

"I must learn to love the fool in me - the one who feels too much, talks too much, takes too many chances, wins sometimes and loses often, lacks self-control, loves and hates, hurts and gets hurt, promises and breaks promises, laughs and cries. It alone protects me against that utterly self-controlled, masterful tyrant whom i also harbor and who would rob me of human aliveness, humility, and dignity but for my fool." -Theodore I Rubin, MD

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Response to Hektor ~


I am gald to debate with you, but again... we need to go with facts and not just our own version of what truth is... so here is my response.

If you were to take a look at all the words that you have spelled wrong in your comment you would see the reason as to why funding our education system is so important. What will be the point to continue to fund NASA when we continue to cut education so that the only animals that will be smart enough to go into Space will be monkeys... oh, and people from other countries where education is a priority.

I would also like to point out that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii, and last time I checked that was in America, so his homeland is America.

I agree with you on the fact that American comsumers are not the brightest and that we as Americans do not support our country buy buying products that are made here. And just so you know, I do NOT have a car that was made in Japan. Curious... how many things in your house were made in China and Japan?

Next, I want to talk about your comment about the people that "belong here." Unless you are a Native American Indian, then you don't belong here either. The majority of our ancestors came here from another country... and they were not turned away. I would rather that illegal immigrants have a drivers license and have to past a test to drive here rather then just getting in a car and driving. I would like to know if you feel the same about all the uninsured American drivers in our country. Perhaps you recall that amazing statue with a torch in hand... "They came here for several centuries for the same reasons – freedom and hope -- and then a Frenchman created a statue that embodied their hopes and dreams. And it embodied America's promise as well. "Give us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses longing to be free..."

I also agree with you on the fact that Americans are catching up with other countries in an effort to "Go Green" it is about time that we start to protect the planet before we need to find another planet to go and destroy.

If you read what Obama said about our troops... he isn't planning on bringing everyone home now, his time frame gives them plenty of time to stabilize thier government if they want to.

As far as not being brave enough to say what needs to be said, do you listen to what Barack Obama says at all? If you are looking for extreme comments to be made then you aren't going to find that with any candidate, perhaps the reason that you have such opposition to him is that he is saying what needs to be said and you don't like what you are hearing because if means change.

And flat tax... tax everyone 10% then... because 10% of 1 million dollars is more then 10% of 20,000.

Healthcare... our country will never fix our health care system, that is plain and simple. Insurance companies will not let that happen. But atleast what Obama wants to do it make sure that all children are covered and adults will have the option.

So Hektor, while I can agree with you on a couple of your points... I think that the foundation for your argument against Obama is inacurrate.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Barack Obama Quote of the Day

We have an obligation and a responsibility to be investing in our students and our schools. We must make sure that people who have the grades, the desire and the will, but not the money, can still get the best education possible. Barack Obama

Barack Obama Quote of the Day

We need to steer clear of this poverty of ambition, where people want to drive fancy cars and wear nice clothes and live in nice apartments but don't want to work hard to accomplish these things. Everyone should try to realize their full potential. Barack Obama

Barack Obama - This is for you Hektor

I was going to let it go, the comment that I recieved to my post to raise money to help Obama.

But then putting an end to ignorance won me over. So as you see in the title, this is directed at the post author "hektor" who would rather call names, pass judgment and act radically instead of making informed comments.

Here is what Barack Obama says he will do about the ten most important issues that America is facing right now. I would like to point out that his plans are PROACTIVE. His plan is make it so America is able to get on its feet and take care of the American citizens without penalizing them and restricting thier freedoms and rights. I urge you to take a look at the mandates and restrictions that other candidates are saying they will make BEFORE you make statements.

Energy/Global Warming

Obama is calling for a cap and trade systen to cut carbon emissions by 80% by 2050. He also plans to invest $150 billion over the next 10 years to advance clean energy technologies. He plans to double the fuel ecoomy standards for vehicles within 18 years.


Amend the North American Free Trade Agreement to better benefit US workers (gosh that is a novel idea... taking care of our own people). He plans to pressure the World Trade Organization to enforce trade agreements (gosh make people honor what they agreed to!) Update Trade Adjustment Assistance by extending it to indsutries and create flexible education accounts to help retrain workers.


He was never for the war to begin with. He will bring out troops home, one to two brigades a month and his plan is to have them all home by 2009.


Penalize predatory lenders and then use those penalities to help the victims of the predatory loans. He will also give a tax credit to struggling homeoners that would cover 10% of the interest on thier mortgages every year.

Abortion/Stem Cell

He not only supports Roe vs. Wade. He would like to see access to contraceptives expanded so that preventing unintended pregnancies. Obama also supports stem cell research.


He plans to provide money to the states for early childhood development programs. He would like to have a new accountability system that is not so focused on standardized testing and extra pay for teachers who serve as mentors to colleagues. He also proposes a college education tax credit adn he would pay for many of his educational proposals by reducing funding for NASA.


Obama supports a broad immigration reform that would help illegal immigrants become citizens as long as they met certain criteria. This criteria includes learning English, passing a criminal background check and paying any fines that they have. He is also in favor of giving illegal immigrants driver's license.

Social Security

Obama would increase the maximum amount of earnings which is currently $97500 to which the Social Security payroll tax applies. Obama will also work with Congress as well as the people of America to come up with a plan that would keep Social Security around for at least another 50 years.

Health Care

Barack supports a universal portable heatlh care plan. His plan would allow people to buy coverage similiar to what federal employees have. He would make the coverage mandatory for all children and optional for adults. Barack supports income related subsidies that would help with the cost of health insurance premiums. Costs would be contained by modernizing the health care system and focusing on PREVENTION.

As a former nurse I think this is outstanding! I can't tell you how many time I was on the phone arguing with insurance companies for my cardiac patients to have testing done that would save thier lives but were being denied by the insurance companies. Once the patient had the heart attack, or open heart then they would cover testing!


Barack would reverese the tax cuts for the wealthiest taxpayers, end offshore tax havens and eliminate special interest loopholes and deductions. He would also implement a tax credit of up to $500 per person and $1000 per working family.

So, this is by no means everything that Barack Obama plans to do. This is just a highlighted list, and effort to educate the ignorant so that before they want to call names they atleast know what they are talking about.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Help My Barack Obama Fundraiser - GOT HOPE!

As Americans, we dream of a President who is honest, personable, intelligent, and wise.

We want a leader with courage and integrity who has known the struggles of an everyday American.

A lot of people have stopped believing that may even be possible.

I haven't stopped believing. I support Barack Obama because he is that leader.

Join me in supporting Barack by making a donation to my personal fundraising page:

This campaign for the presidency is unparalleled in history. Our need for an honest, fresh-thinking leader could not be more urgent.

Americans are hungry for change and Barack Obama will bring that change when he is elected.

Please take a minute to check out my page and make a donation of any size:

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