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Search Engine Optimization

Monday, July 23, 2007

Writing Web Content

Things to Bear in Mind While Writing Content for the Web

When you are sitting and contemplating what to write for content for your web page, or if you are a writer and you have a request from a client for web content there are certain things you need to keep in mind.

Obviously writing for the web is different then writing a book you are going to have printed and published, much as a term paper for college is going to be more in depth then an article for the web on the same topic. Web content needs to be shorter. Why you ask, because reading on the web is more difficult then picking up a book or newspaper. Reading from the computer screen puts a greater strain on your eyes. The fuzziness that the computer screen gives makes a person read slower and makes the brain process the information slower.

Secondly you may want to consider the old adage, “Less is more”. This is especially true when writing for web content. Think about it, we live in a world when we want the information that we want now! Not after reading through pages of information, heck we will find another site in less time that will give us what we want quicker. So if you can cut out words, be more precise and concise you will be more successful.

Paragraphs, hmmmm this one will depend on they style of writing. Generally speaking though, if you browse over web articles you will find much shorter paragraphs then in a book. As long as the paragraph does not drag on forever, I don’t really think there is a right or wrong paragraph size. Use your best judgment and keep all of the points I am mentioning in your head while you are writing.

Probably the most important thing to keep in mind, more so then keyword optimization, write for the reader not for your self. You want to write in a way that the reader is going to get what they are looking for, in a comfortable conversational tone with out big words. Trust me on this one if you don’t believe anything else I am saying.

Another important key that ranks right up there with writing for the reader is that you need to be direct. What do I mean by this? Know what you are going to talk about, start at the beginning and work your way through to the end in way that makes sense and flows nicely. Don’t skip all over the place, you are going to give your reader a headache, they are going to get frustrated and there goes your hopes of being an acclaimed web writer.

When it comes to word choice, make powerful word choices. Don’t just say that the steak was good. Say it was bursting with flavor that filled your mouth with the sensation that your taste buds were standing up and applauding. Paint a picture and put your reader there. You want them to taste that steak, or be on that beach, or empathize with the victim. They need to become part of what you are writing.

To use sub headings or not? I say it depends on what you are writing about. If the content is lengthy and there are many topics you need to cover to have it complete then yes use them. As far as I am concerned that is when they are needed. The only other time I believe they are necessary is if you are talking about different things that aren’t really related to one another. If you are going to use them, make sure that they make sense and that they grab the reader’s attention.

These are only a few of the things that you need to keep in mind while writing for web content. You can be successful with your writing, and make money if you follow these simple guide lines.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Hi Jen!

Great tips for writing on the web! I think short paragraphs, 2 to 3 sentences, are important with web content because so many people scan what they see here and only read what they find interesting. Short paragraphs make it easier on the reader by making your articles/content more readable.

I agree, too, that "less is more" online...but some of us just can't shut-up when our fingers start talking :-) I'm overly wordy and tend to say much more than necessary, just because I like to talk :-)

You have some really useful info here!

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